Anorexia Symptoms and Causes

Anorexia means loss of appetite. It is a symptom of disturbed digestion and common in all diseases which lead to general weakness. This condition results from failure of the activity of the stomach and secretion of gastric juices due to low vitality which, in turn, can be due to various causes.

Anorexia Symptoms

Refuse to eat and suffers from insomnia:

Persons suffering from anorexia may refuse to eat and suffer from insomnia. In course of time, emaciation becomes severe.

Anorexia Causes

Faulty diet and don't do physical work:

People suffer from anorexia when they habitually take a faulty diet and hardly do any physical work.

Stress and strain:

It may also result from stress and strain such as domestic worry, emotional disturbances, difficult working conditions, and nervous disorders. General body disorders and diseases also lead to this condition.

Benefit and uses of Cucumber.

It is a creeping plant of the cucurbitaceae family probably originating in India and widely cutivated for its fruit. It is a tender annual with a rough, succulent trailing stem and hairy leaves with 3 to 5 pointed lobes; the stem bears branched tendrils, by which the plant creeps through the supports.

The food value of cucumber is low; but it is popular for salads and relishes. Fresh cucumber should be firm, well-shaped and bright green in colour. They may be kept in refrigerated storage for about 2 weeks.

It is a very favourite fruit during hot summer months as it keeps the body cool and calm. It subsides pitta (bile) and aids digestion. It prevents sun-stroke, heat-stroke and allergy. It quenches thirst.

Benefit and uses of Cucumber.

1. Cucumber is a great folk medicine used to reduce heat and inflammation.

2. Cucumber is in helping to heal a range of illnesses – including lung, stomach and chest problem, gout, arthritis and tapeworm.

3. It makes it useful in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood.

4. Cucumber’s benefits include natural salts, enzymes, and vitamins essential for strong cell growth and repair.

5. Cucumber facial is powerful and can bring great results for your skin.

6. It is cools and heals sunburns and windburns.

7. Cucumber has been used externally for minor burns, sore eyes and conjunctivitis.

Remedies to prevent tooth and Lips discoloration of coffee drinker or smoker

Remedies to prevent tooth discoloration:
To prevent discoloration a coffee drinker and/or smoker must consider reducing intake or giving up on these addictions. One can also prevent the side effects of smoking by improving dental hygiene .This can be done by brushing and flossing regularly and getting teeth cleaned by a dentist every 6 months. Treatment options or home remedies that can be tried at home may vary depending on the cause of the discoloration and include:Using proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques Avoidance of foods and beverages that cause stains on teeth. Using Over-The-Counter whitening agents.
Remedies to prevent discoloration of the lips:
Here are simple lip care tips and home remedies for intense smokers:To reduce discoloration caused by smoking or caffeinated drinks the first step is to reduce the intake of such habits. Drink at least 10 glasses of water to flush toxins away. Apply Vaseline to your lips regularly. Clarified butter is also a very good home remedy. Apply a little every night to soothe lips. This helps keep lips moisturized. Another effective home remedy is applying the juice of a lemon which has bleaching properties to the lips daily. This helps lighten the color of the lips over time. It is advisable for women to wear lipstick with sunscreen, as Ultra Violet radiation may cause pigmentation.

Improve dental hygiene by brushing and flossing the teeth regularly. Having a complete dental cleansing by a professional dentist every 6 months are also advisable.
Avoid food and beverages that contain too much food coloring for it leave stains on the teeth.
Avoid using over-the-counter whitening products.
Drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday to eliminate the toxins from the body.
Apply Vaseline on the lips regularly to lighten the discoloration of the lips.
Moisturize lips by applying little amount of clarified butter every night.
Apply lemon juice on the lips everyday. It is a natural bleaching agent that helps lighten lips with regular application.
For women, wear lipstick that contains sunscreen ingredients. Excessive exposure of UV rays from the sun can cause lip pigmentation.
Avoid tooth decaying foods like carbohydrates and sugar
Doctors recommend treatments that are advisable to cure discoloration of the teeth and the most one can do on the diet front is to avoid certain tooth decaying foods. Most avoidable foods include all carbohydrates and sugar as they can cause tooth decay. All simple sugars, including table sugar (sucrose) and the sugars in honey (levulose and dextrose), fruit (fructose), and milk (lactose), have the same effect on the teeth.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Cigarettes smoking cause discoloration of the teeth and lip color

The side effects such as discoloration of the teeth and lip color caused by smoking can be changed by bringing about a few simple lifestyle changes which will enable prevention of teeth discoloration. One can also prevent the side effects of smoking by improving dental hygiene.

If discoloration of teeth appears to be of an abnormal color without a logical explanation and, if other symptoms are also present, it is advisable to see the dentist at the earliest.

Discoloration of the lip is another area that needs care and attention to regain the natural color.

Symptoms of Smoking on teeth and lips:

Apart from discoloration of the teeth and lip, smoking cigarettes or cigars can cause a number of other oral symptoms and side effects which include:
Sticky tar deposits
Brown tooth stains
Red inflammation on the roof of the mouth
Delayed healing of the gums
Chronic bad breath
More tooth decay than non smokers

Smoking reduces the flow of saliva

The symptoms are gross manifestations of the biological changes occurring in the body due to continuous addiction to smoking. Here are some key reasons that could lead to teeth discoloration:

Saliva is important for cleaning the lining of the mouth and teeth and protects teeth from decay. Smoking reduces the flow of saliva and thus handicaps its key function.
Smoking reduces blood flow to the gums and cuts the supply of vital nutrients.
Vitamin C helps gums to stay healthy. Smoking reduces the level of vitamin C drastically.
Together, a reduced blood flow and diminishing vitamin C level, make treatment of gum disease in smokers a difficult proposition.
Smoking also raises the mouth's temperature, damaging and killing important oral tissue cells.

Other causes other than smoking that lead discoloration of the teeth are:
Several diseases that affect enamel (the hard surface of the teeth) and dentin (the underlying material under enamel) can lead to tooth discoloration.

Treatments for certain conditions can also affect tooth color. For example, head and neck radiation and chemotherapy can cause teeth discoloration.

Mouth rinses and washes containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth.

Antihistamines (like Benadryl), antipsychotic drugs, and antihypertensive medications also cause teeth discoloration.

Excessive fluoride either from environmental sources (naturally high fluoride levels in water) or from excessive use (fluoride applications, rinses, toothpaste, and fluoride supplements taken by mouth) can cause teeth discoloration.

Reduce intake of coffee and cigarettes.

Home Remedies / Treatment for Improving Eyesight


It’s been said that 'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' but have you given any thought to those eyes which help you capture this beauty. By adopting various patterns of life we can give your eyes a much needed boost. Bringing changes in your lifestyle and in your eating habits will help you see your eyes in a new light.

Food and Diet

• Consuming good amount of apple and grapes helps in improving your eyesight.

• Vitamin A is very good for enhancing your eyesight. Carrots have good quantity of vitamin A which proves to be one of the useful natural treatments.

• Cucumber juice does wonders for your eyesight as it tries to improve it immensely.

• Add spinach in your daily diet as Spinach contains iron, vitamin A, B and C. It purifies your blood, increases the hemoglobin and improves your eyesight.

• You can find good source of vitamin A in turnip, milk cream, fresh milk, cheese, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, Soya beans, green peas, oranges and dates.

• An ayurvedic medicine name Triphala is considered to work immensely in favor of your eyes.

• Consuming blueberry juice also considered to be very useful for your eyes.


• Close both the eyes very tightly by shutting the lids firmly. Open them suddenly which allows you to feel the stretch. Once open arch your brows and stretch your face. Repeat this several times a day.

• Look as far as possible and inhale then look down as far as possible and exhale. Blink your eyes more than dozen times. Do the same procedure by turning to your left and right then diagonally up to left, down to right, up to right and down to left followed by rapid blinking.

• Rotate your eyes in all the directions. Slowly and steadily concentrate one eye at a time. Do this exercise more than dozen times and try doing this with your eyes shut.

• By using palming which can be stated as a revised version of the thousand-year- old yoga tradition known was Hatha Yoga. It relieves strain and stress from your mind and eyes which needs the required break. For this you have to warm your hands by rubbing them together vigorously. Once it's warm cover the eye without touching the eyelids. This relaxes the nerves and helps in blood circulation.

• You can also try sunning which means to use sun's light for your eyes. Move your head from side to side for the heat to benefit the eyes. After a while try stretching the eyes to allow more sunlight to your eyes. Directly looking at the sun is never good. It is great method to reduce light sensitivity.

• Perform Netra Basti which is bathing your eyes with clarified butter to reduce eye strain and to improve eyesight.

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Treatment/Home Remedies for Swelling of feet during pregnancy

Moderate pain and swelling of ankles and feet and can be easily treated by some of the below mentioned home remedies.

Take one glass of Luke warm water, mix one teaspoon of fresh lime juice in it and drink this liquid everyday. This is an effective home remedy in reducing swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Boil 1-2 glass of water containing half tablespoon molasses and one tablespoon saunf, and boil it down to half. Drink this natural homemade drink everyday for 2-3 times. This will reduce swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Boil 1-2 glass of water containing two teaspoon Dania seeds and boiled it down to half. Drink this one-two time for two-three days.


Avoid staying in hot atmospheric condition.

Try to sit in a resting position for long hours by keeping your feet up; this reduces swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Take a good amount of sleep at night; this also reduces swelling of feet during pregnancy. Take proper rest and stay in cool and normal temperature.

Wear soft and comfortable cotton cloth.

Sleeping or resting in one direction of your body (side turn) and keeping your legs raised using soft cushion reduces swelling of feet.

Do some breathing exercises everyday this helps in normal and safe delivery of the baby.

Drink lots of water as it keeps the skin hydrated and disease free.

Avoid tight elastic stockings and shocks.

Do not eat food items having excessive table salt content.

Massage your feet and hand for 5-10 minutes. This relaxes you and reduces swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Light walking and relaxing in the sofa that supports the leg of pregnant women is a good option for reducing the swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Wear comfortable footwear to avoid foot pain.

Relax your feet by keeping it in the Luke warm water for 10-15 minutes. This also reduces swelling.


Avoid tea, coffee, and heavy physical activities during pregnancy as it reduces the swelling of feet and ankles.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy.

Treatment for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Given below are some of the effective and useful home remedies for the treatment of Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy. However, it is not necessary that all these below mentioned remedies will be effective for every Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy patient.


Make fresh glass of buttermilk from curd and drink 2-3 times a day.

Buttermilk is a healthy drink for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy patient. It also cleans the toxic substance within the stomach and helps in digestion.

Vitamin E-rich food

It is also found that Vitamin E-rich food is good for patients suffering from Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy. Some of the Vitamin E-rich food is spinach, almond oil, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, and wheat germs.

Bitter gourd Juice

Juice extracted from bitter gourd is an effective home remedy for the treatment of Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy. Patient suffering from Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy should take 1-2 cup of bitter gourd juice in empty stomach in the morning. Continue this for 5-6 months. Patient may add a tablespoon of lime juice, if found
difficult to digest the bitter taste.

Lecithin seeds

Lecithin seeds are another effective home remedy for the treatment of Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy. Take 3-4 tablespoon of lecithin seeds every day for 2-3 month. This has a magical effect and shows great result within 2-3 months.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are good for the treatment of various skin-related diseases. Take 15-20 sesame seeds and soak in a glass of water. Keep it overnight and drink in empty stomach early in the morning.

Other vegetable seeds important for the treatment of Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy are sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy Causes, Symptoms, Diet and Exercises

Swelling or puffiness of feet is generally seen in the pregnant ladies. This swelling is because of excessive fluid retention in the feet and improper blood circulation.

Causes for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Fluid retention is the main cause of swelling of feet during pregnancy. There is a high production of fluid during pregnancy.
Continuous walking and be in upright position for prolonged period cause swelling of feet during pregnancy.
Hot atmospheric condition also causes swelling of feet during pregnancy.
Enlarging uterus during pregnancy applies high amount of force to the legs and its nerves, and as a result there is improper blood flow which leads to swelling of feet during pregnancy.
Drinking less water, excess coffee, and tea lead to swelling of feet and ankles.
Hormonal actions also cause swelling of feet during pregnancy.
Diet for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Eat food containing good amount of proteins like pulses, milk products, and fish.
Eat green vegetable like palak, beans, and cabbage.
Eat fruits like papaya, apple, and guava.
Eat vitamins, calcium, potassium, and zinc rich foods.

Regularly do yoga as it improves blood circulations and reduces swelling of feet during pregnancy. Pranayama is good for body and mind.
Sit on the carpet and stretch your leg in the front, rotate your leg 10-15 times in a clockwise direction and then in the same way rotate in the anti-clock wise direction for 10-15 times. This reduces swelling of feet and improves blood circulation in the feet.
Swelling of feet during pregnancy is very common, you do not need to be frightened from this, and it only needs care and pampering to reduce irritation and pain caused due to swelling.

Symptoms for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Swelling of the face, feet, and neck because of excessive accumulation of serum fluid in tissue, and hormonal changes are seen in the pregnant ladies. Solid blood mass formation because of improper blood circulation, swelling in the both or one leg, headaches, felling that you will fall, high blood pressure, and improper vision are some of the symptoms which need a quick visit to the doctor.

Measles symptoms and causes

Measles, a highly infectious disease, is very common in childhood. It is so common at this stage of life that nearly all children in most parts of the world suffer form it.

Measles symptoms
Feverishness, cold, watering of the eyes

The first symptoms that appear for seven to fourteen days after exposure to the virus are feverishness, cold, watering of the eyes, and a dry cough. A rash appears on the skin four days after the onset of these symptoms. This rash, which consists of small rounded spots with reddened skin in between, initially appears on the sides of the face and the neck, and then gradually spreads allover the body, appearing last on the extremities. Initially pink in color, the spots grow darker as time passes.

Fever and diarrhea

Measles is usually accompanied by fever and diarrhea. In severe cases, high fever and delirium may occur. Complications which can arise from this disease include pneumonia, bronchitis, and abscesses in the ears. One serious but rare complication is inflammation of the brain.

Measles and the Symptoms:
First 2 to 3 days
· Very high fever (up to 105 degrees).
· Cold like symptom, including a runny nose: a dry cough: swollen glands: red, watery eyes, loss of appetite and aching muscles.
A day or two later
· Inside the mouth, painless small gray or white bumps, like grains of salt surrounded by red rings.
In another day
· Small red spots that first appear on the face and the neck. As they spread down the body, they join to form large blotches.

Measles causes

Measles is one of the most contagious diseases caused by a virus. This disease is easily transmitted in the early stages through the invisible droplets of moisture, which are discharged from a patient's nose or mouth when he coughs or sneezes.

Wrong feeding habits and unhygienic living conditions

The real causes of this disease, like other diseases of childhood, are however; wrong feeding habits and unhygienic living conditions.

Home Remedies / Treatment for Measles

Measles treatment using Orange
Oranges are very valuable in measles, as the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered. The patient suffers from intense toxemia, and the lack of saliva coats his tongue and often destroys his thirst for water as well as his desire for food. The agreeable flavor of orange juice helps greatly in overcoming these drawbacks. Orange juice is the ideal liquid food for this disease.
Measles treatment using Lemon Juice
The juice of lemon also makes an effective thirst-quenching drink in measles. About 15 to 25 ml of lemon juice, diluted with water, should be taken for this purpose.

Measles treatment using Turmeric
Turmeric is beneficial in the treatment of measles. Raw roots of turmeric should be dried in the sun and ground to a fine powder. Half a teaspoon of this powder, mixed with a few drops of honey and the juice of a few bitter gourd leaves, should be given to patients suffering from measles.
Measles treatment using Liquorices
Powdered liquorices have been found valuable in relieving the cough, which is typical in measles. The child patient should be given half a teaspoon of powdered liquorices mixed with the same quantity of honey.
Measles treatment using Barley
The use of barley water has proved beneficial for the troublesome cough in measles. This water should be taken frequently, sweetened with the newly-drawn oil of sweet almonds.
Measles treatment using Egg Plant Seeds
The seeds of the egg plant are a stimulant. Intake of half to one gram of these seeds daily for three days will help develop immunity against measles for one year.
Measles diet
Juices of fresh fruits like oranges and lemons frequently.
At the beginning of the treatment, the patient should be given juices of fresh fruits like oranges and lemons frequently. This is sufficient as the child suffers from a lack of appetite during this period.
All-fruit diet followed by well-balanced diet
As the condition improves, the child can be placed on an all-fruit diet for a few days. Thereafter he may be allowed to gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet.
Other Measles treatment
Well-ventilated room is essential

The child should be kept in a well-ventilated room. As light has a detrimental effect upon the eyes during measles because of the weakened condition of the external eye tissues, the child should have his eyes shaded or the room should have subdued light.
Warm-water enema, application of mud packs
The treatment should aim at bringing down the temperature and eliminating the toxins from the system. This can be achieved by administration of a warm-water enema every morning, application of mud packs on the abdomen twice a day - in the morning and evening, and repeated application of chest packs. Lukewarm water baths can be given every day to ease itching. Addition of extracts of neem leaves to this water will prove beneficial.
Complete rest
Children having measles should not be allowed to mix with others so as to avoid passing on the infection to them. In fact, they should take complete rest. Hygienic conditions, along with the above-mentioned treatment, will lead to a speedy recovery.
Avoid medication
Medication should be strictly avoided.
Prevention of Measeles:
Make sure your child gets the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella. This shot is given at 12 to 18 months, with booster at 4 to 6 years.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Benefit and uses of Cashew nut

It is an edible seed or nut of Anacardium occidental family, a tropical and sub-tropical evergreen shrub or tree up to 12 meters (40 ft.) growing where the soil is fertile and the humidity high. The tree is chiefly important for the nuts it produces but it also produces wood for making shipping crates, boats, charcoal etc. and a gum similar to gum Arabic.

The nut shaped like a large thick bean is sometimes more than 2.5 centimeters (one inch) long and forms in an unusual way. It appears as though one of its ends had been forcibly sunk into the calyx end of a fleshy, pear-shaped fruit called the cashew apple which is about 3 times as large as the nut and reddish or yellow. The cashew apple is used locally in beverages, jams and jellies. The nut has two walls or shells. The fruits are picked by hand and the nuts are first detached then sun-dried.

The fruit is prescribed in scurvy and diarrhoea. Its juice is a powerful diuretic and is used in uterine complaints and dropsy. It is a useful local application in neuralgic and rheumatic pains. The nut is especially useful in acute cases of impotency as it increases sexual vigor considerably. The oil extracted from the shell of the nut is applied to warts, corns, psoriasis and ringworm.
Benefit and uses of Cashew nut
Cashews have very high oil content, and they are used in some other nut butters to add extra oil.

1. The cashews bark, leaves, gum and shell are all used in medicinal applications.

2. Effortless way to lose weight, the diet also boosts your energy levels and can improve your health.

3. Nuts can lower your risk of heart disease by as much as 35%.

4. Nuts eaten in moderation, they are a useful addition to healthy diet.

Signs, Symptoms, causes and treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris

Sometimes called fish scale disease or fish skin disease, ichthyosis vulgaris is an inherited skin disorder that causes dead skin cells to accumulate in thick, dry scales on the skin's surface. These scales can be present at birth, but usually first appear in early childhood. Sometimes ichthyosis vulgaris disappears entirely for most of the adult years, only to return later.

Though most cases are mild, some cases of ichthyosis vulgaris are severe. Since there is no cure, treatments focus on controlling the signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms
Ichthyosis vulgaris is characterized by severely dry, scaly skin. The scales are small, polygonal in shape and range in color from white to dirty gray to brown. People with darker skin tend to have darker colored scales.

The scales usually appear on the elbows and lower legs and may be especially thick and dark over the shins. Ichthyosis may also cause scalp flaking and deep, painful fissures in the palms and soles. Though most cases of ichthyosis are mild, some can be severe.
Symptoms usually worsen or are more pronounced in cold, dry environments and tend to improve or even resolve in warm, humid environments.

Other less common forms of ichthyosis include:
· Lamellar ichthyosis. This severe form of the disease is present at birth and lasts throughout life. Infants with lamellar ichthyosis are born encased in a filmy membrane that's shed after 10 to 14 days, revealing skin that's covered in scales. The scales can range from fine and white to thick and dark and generally occur over the entire body, although they may be larger on the legs. Lamellar ichthyosis can be extremely disfiguring and may cause great psychological suffering for children and adults with the disease.
· X-linked ichthyosis. Starting soon after birth, this type of ichthyosis occurs only in males. The noticeable, dirty-brown scales that characterize this skin disease are most pronounced on the back of the neck, arms and behind the knees. Symptoms generally don't improve with age.
· Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. This extremely rare form of ichthyosis is usually present at birth and begins with blistering skin. In time, the skin peels away in large sheets and becomes rough or wart-looking. It's most pronounced on the knees, elbows, wrists and other flexural areas.
Itching of skin
Burning and stinging sensation
Tightening and cracking of the skin
Dry flaking skin
Shedding of layers of the skin
Scaling of skin that gives skin the appearance of fish scales


The skin is an endlessly renewable organ. New skin cells at the base of the epidermis push toward the surface of the skin, where they eventually shrink, flatten and die. These dead skin cells flake off every day and are continuously replaced by more cells.
Ichthyosis, however, disrupts this pattern. It occurs when the production of skin cells is too fast or the skin's natural shedding process is too slow. This causes dead skin cells to collect into thick flakes that stick to the outer surface of skin. These thick flakes can resemble fish scales.

Most often, ichthyosis is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means that a child has to inherit only one copy of the affected gene to develop the disease. Children with the inherited form of the disorder usually have normal skin at birth but develop scaling and roughness in the first few years of life. At times, ichthyosis vulgaris may disappear during the adult years, only to return later.

Ichthyosis not caused by genetics, referred to as acquired ichthyosis, is very rare. This type usually manifests in adulthood and is usually associated with other internal diseases, such as cancer, thyroid disease or chronic renal failure.
· Harsh soaps or detergents
· Genetic disorder that is passed from parent to child or that occurs spontaneously.
· Cold weather
· Frequent or prolonged bathing, especially in hot water.
· Side effect of the disease like sarcoidosis , lymphoma , under-active thyroid , AIDS etc. may also be a cause of the disease.
· Soaps or lotions containing certain scents or perfumes

When to seek medical advice

If you suspect you or your child has ichthyosis, consult your family doctor or a dermatologist. He or she can diagnose the condition by examining the characteristic scales. Also, be sure to seek medical advice if the symptoms worsen or they don't improve with self-care measures. You may need a stronger medication to manage the problem.

Treatment of Ichthyosis

· Solutions or creams with salicylic acid or alpha-hydroxy acids may also help in promoting shedding of skin flakes.
· Some times exposure to sunlight can improve the condition.
· A large variety of non-prescription, unscented moisturizers.
· Use of moisture retaining creams or ointments such as Petrolatum,lanolin or urea-containing preparations after a bath or shower helps in maintaining the skin moisture.
· Disinfecting soap such as chlorhexidine can also helpfull in improving the condition.


Although self-help measures won't cure ichthyosis, they may help improve the appearance and feel of damaged skin. These measures may be beneficial:
· Take long soaking baths to soften the skin. Then use a roughly-textured sponge, such as a loofa sponge, to remove the thickened scales.
· Choose mild soaps that have added oils and fats. Avoid deodorant and antibacterial soaps, which are especially harsh on dry skin.
· After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on the skin.
· Apply the moisturizer or lubricating cream while your skin is still wet or moist from bathing. Choose a moisturizer that contains urea or propylene glycol — chemicals that help keep your skin moist. Petroleum jelly is another good choice. Cover the treated areas with plastic wrap to keep the petroleum jelly from staining clothes and furniture.
· Twice daily applications of an over-the-counter product that contains salicylic acid may help. Salicylic acid helps the skin shed its dead skin cells.
· Use a portable home humidifier or one attached to your furnace to add moisture to the air inside your home.

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Home Remedies to cure peeling skin

Nature care has some helpful remedies to provide immediate relief and for continuous use to make the skin prevent disorders such as peeling skin.
Here is a compilation of some such known home remedies that one can use for curing peeling skin. It is important to note that if desirable results are not achieved it is wise to consult a physician.

-Grated cucumber applied over the affected areas for 15-20 minutes has been found to be effective especially for the skin on the face. Regular application prevents dryness of the skin.
-Applying the juice of fresh mint every night on affected areas of the skin can help prevent dryness. It is also a suggested remedy for eczema and dermatitis.
-Honey, olive oil and a mixture of turmeric and sandalwood paste are very effective in rejuvenating dry, parched skin

Diet for Peeling Skin
Replenish essential vitamins to deal with Peeling Skin
Diet plays a very important part in nurturing a healthy skin. Skin disorders usually surface due to diet inconsistencies. This can be avoided by having a healthy and nutritional diet that nourishes the skin and keeps disorders at bay.

A good diet must include important nutrients for the well-being of the body. It must include protein, carbohydrates, fats, essential fatty acids, and all essential vitamins and minerals.
Peeling of the skin is sometimes caused due to deficiency in Vitamin A, Iron, Iodine or Vitamin B. While proteins and Vitamin C, prevent infections and accelerate healing. Replenish the skin with these basic essentials by including them as part of the regular diet.

Here is a list of sources of these essentials vitamins:

Vitamin Sources
Vitamin A: Cream, butter, fish liver oils, eggs, carrots
Vitamin B: Meat, yeast, unpolished cereal grains, liver, eggs, cheese, milk.
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, green peppers and tomatoes
Proteins: Meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, nuts, lentils, pulses and some vegetables.
Iron: Red meat, almonds, baked beans, broccoli, kidney beans, peas, raisins, rice etc

Other Suggestions for Peeling Skin
Dos and Don’ts of Peeling Skin

Some simple situations best avoided can accelerate healing.

Here is a compilation of the certain preferred and most avoidable situations one can note when faced with peeling skin:

-One may snip loose ends of the peeling skin but avoid cutting skin bound to the skin.
-Moisturizing peeling skin may help. Soothe dry the peeling skin and moisturize it with any good moisturizing cream or lotion.
-For all-over peeling, a soak in an oatmeal bath is a helpful remedy.
-Drink plenty of water about 10-12 glasses a day.
-Use sunscreens when out in the sun.
-Use mild soaps instead of strong and harsh soaps

-Resist the temptation to pick or scratch the peeling skin .It may damage the skin further.
-Avoid taking a hot water bath as it drains the skin of its natural oils. Warms baths are milder and causes less damage to the skin.
-Stay out of the sun during Peek UV Radiation times such as: during mid day 11.00am-2.00pm.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Symptoms and Causes of Peeling Skin

To understand the reasons behind peeling skin one needs to understand the structure of the skin. The skin consists of three basic layers: the outer layer or epidermis, the middle layer or dermis and the inner layer referred to as hypodermis. Each of these layers provides a particular function and is in a continuous state of change. Every 28 days the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin, is completely replaced once. The 28 day change, in the outer cover of the skin, is influenced by various factors such as hydration, friction, sun exposure and various other environmental issues.

Peeling skin is therefore a temporary problem and is known to heal in a few days as the new skin surfaces. Though there are few exceptions such as: in case of infections or medications that cause the skin to peel or a hereditary disorder known as Peeling Skin Syndrome, all of which may require medical consultation to cure peeling skin. Some of the known causes leading to this skin disorder are: excessive perspiration, viral infections, or excessive sun exposure resulting in sunburn. Sunburn is one of the most common causes known that lead to peeling skin. As sunburn heats the top layers of the skin it begins to peel naturally. Therefore, peeling skin is rarely ever considered as a fatal or harmful disorder. One can regain natural skin in a couple of days or a quick visit to the general physician will ensure faster recovery.

Symptoms for Peeling Skin
Some known skin disorders that cause peeling skin symptoms

Peeling skin is a symptom in itself. Certain skin disorders also cause the skin to peel.

Here are some known skin disorders that lead to symptoms of peeling skin:

-Erythroderma, may cause thickening and flaking of the skin.
-Exfoliative dermatitis causes the skin to flake.
-Hand eczema, lead to rashes and itches on the hands due to increasing use of harsh soaps and detergents.
-Eczema causes chronic skin rash which progresses to skin inflammation and may lead to skin peeling
-Psoriasis surfaces on the skin by scaling and inflammation of the skin causing it to peel
-Ichthyosis is a rare disease caused mainly due to dryness, the resulting roughness leads to scaly fish-like skin
-Kawasaki disease, a disorder usually found among in infants and young children causes rash and swelling of the hands.
-Scarlet fever sometimes causes rashes over the upper body which spreads through the entire body.
-Vitamin A overdose shows symptoms of skin peeling.

Causes for Peeling Skin

Probable causes other than skin disorders that lead to peeling skin

Various skin disorders or medical conditions may lead to peeling skin as a symptom.

Here is a compilation of the most probable causes other than skin disorders that lead to peeling skin:

-Heavy perspiration due to tight gloves or boots
-Certain blisters contains fluid between the two layers of skin. When the blister breaks it leaves the skin open to be peeled.
-Rashes may cause skin peeling
-Dry skin and extreme cold weather can make the skin peel.
-Sunburn is a commonly known reason for skin peeling -Allergy to specific chemicals or irritation from chemicals can cause skin peeling.
-TEN (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) or blisters which cover the whole body, is a rare disease that causes the skin to peel.
-The Peeling Skin Syndrome or Skin Peeling Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes continuous skin peeling may also be a probable cause.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Hemp

• Hemp can be successfully used when menses do not start at the scheduled time. Five large heads of hemps should be boiled in half a liter of water till the water is reduced to half. It should then be strained and drunk before going to bed for two or three nights. This remedy seldom fails.

• Goldenseal with a very small amount of mistletoe is an effective remedy to reduce blood flow.

• To relieve menstrual cramps quickly and easily, wrap a hot, wet towel around mid-section and lay in the fetal position.

• Chamomile, parsley, safflower, and squaw vine is useful in cases of amenorrhea.

• Boil a teaspoon of saffron in a half cup of water until it reduces to a tablespoon. Divide into three portions and take three times during the day. This gives relief to cramps.

• Make a paste of six or eight almonds and mix with a cup of milk, an egg yolk, a half-teaspoon sesame powder, and a teaspoon honey. Take a couple of times a day to relieve cramps.

• Drink a glass of milk with a half-teaspoon cinnamon every night to relieve cramps.

• Place a pinch of dried ground ginger in a cup of hot boiling water for a tea (no sugar), and let steep for 5 minutes. Drink this tea. It will give relief to the cramps.

• Dissolve 2 aspirins, 1/2 tsp. of sugar and 1/2 tsp. of honey into 1/2 cup of water. Drink this solution if you are missing periods. This is very effective home remedy for menstruation and will lead to regular menstrual cycle.
• Take a teaspoon ground dried mint leaf and a teaspoon of honey twice a day to relieve cramps.

• Drink parsley, beet, carrot, and cucumber juices on a regular basis to relieve cramps.

• Dissolve half-teaspoon sesame seeds in hot water. Drink this twice daily to relieve spasmodic pain.

• Eat 5 raw adzuki beans will help to stop the heavy bleeding.

• Boil 1 cup of black beans in 5 cups of water and drink the juice half cup before your 3 meals this will help
regulate menstruation.

• Mix half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of hot water and leave for half an hour; then drink (eat the seeds as well). Do this every morning with an empty stomach. This will give strength to the uterus.

• Most of the problems in women arise due to undue stress of life. Reducing stress may help resolve the disorder in some women.

• Being either over- or underweight is a contributor to menstrual disorders. Women should make every effort to maintain a normal weight.

• Low-fat vegetarian diet during menstrual cycles leads to less pain and bloating and a shorter duration of premenstrual symptoms than those who ate meat.

• Reducing caffeine, sugar, and alcohol intake during menstruation may be beneficial.

• Massage lobelia extract into any area that is cramped. Drink a tea of red raspberry leaves to prevent and
reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.

• Drink a tea of comfrey leaves and alfalfa to lessen the pain of muscle cramps.

• Drink 1 or 2 glasses of tomato juice, every day. It will give significant improvement in your flow and fewer cramps in your next period. This is also very effective home remedy for menstruation.
• Parsley is one of the most effective among the several home remedies in the treatment of menstrual disorders. It increases menstruation and assists in the regularization of the monthly periods.
• The unripe papaya helps the contractions of the muscle fibres of the uterus and is very effective in maintaining a proper menstrual flow.
• Put an entire Bengal gram plant in hot water. Take a bath to get relief from painful menstruation.
• The herb Marigold, named after the Virgin Mary, is useful in alleviating any pain during menstruation and facilitating menstrual flow. One tablespoon of the herb should be taken twice daily for the treatment of these disorders.
• The use of banana flower is one of the most effective home remedies in the treatment of menorrhagia or excessive menstruation. One banana flower should be cooked and eaten with one cup of curd.
• Coriander seeds are also effective in the treatment of excessive menstruation. Six grams of these seeds should be boiled in half a liter of water. Boil the mixture till only half the water remains. Sugar candy should be added to it and the patient should drink it when it is still warm.
• The juice of the fresh mango bark is another valuable remedy for heavy bleeding during menstruation. The juice can be taken along with white of an egg or some mucilage- a kind of vegetable glue obtained from a plant, and a small quantity of the kernel of a poppy.
• The bark of the Ashoka tree is an effective remedy for excessive blood loss during the monthly period, which occurs due to uterine fibroids and other causes. About 90 gm of the bark should be boiled in 30 ml of milk and 360 ml of water till the total quantity is reduced to about 90 gm. This quantity should be given in one day, in two or three doses. The treatment should commence from the fourth day of the monthly period and should be continued till the bleeding is stopped. A fresh decoction should be made for use each day.
• The herb Indian barberry is also useful in case of excessive bleeding. It should be given in doses of thirteen to twenty-five grams daily.
• The herb rough chaff is also valuable in excessive menstruation. Prepare a solution by heating 15 gm of rough chaff in 250 ml of water and use for treating this condition.
• The herbal is useful in regulating the menstrual periods. It is especially beneficial in painful and difficult menstruation. Two tablespoons of the seeds should be boiled in half a liter of water, till it is reduced by one - third. This mixture should be given in 15 to 30ml doses.
• Hemp can be successfully used when menses do not start at the scheduled time. Five large heads of hemps should be boiled in half a liter of water till the water is reduced to half. It should then be strained and drunk before going to bed for two or three nights.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies/Treatment for Menstrual Problems

Menstrual Problems treatment using Parsley
Parsley is one of the most effective among the several home remedies in the treatment of menstrual disorders. It increases menstruation and assists in the regularization of the monthly periods. This action is due to the presence of apiol, which is a constituent of the female sex hormone estrogens. Cramps, which are a result of menstrual irregularities, are relieved and frequently corrected entirely by the regular use of parsley juice, particularly in conjunction with beet juice; or with beet, carrot, and cucumber juices. The recommended quantity is 75 ml of each of the four juices.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Ginger
The use of ginger is another effective home remedy for menstrual disorders, especially in cases of painful menstruation and stoppage of menstrual flow. A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cup of water for a few minutes. The infusion, sweetened with sugar, should be used thrice daily after meals as a medicine for treating this condition.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are valuable in menstrual problems. Half a teaspoon of powder of these seeds, taken with hot water twice daily, acts excellently in reducing spasmodic pain during menstruation in young, unmarried anaemic girls. Its regular use, two days prior to the expected periods, cures scanty menstruation. A warm hip bath containing a handful of crushed sesame seeds should be simultaneously taken along with this recipe.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Papaya
The unripe papaya helps the contractions of the muscle fibres of the uterus and is thus beneficial in securing a proper menstrual flow. Papaya is especially helpful when menstruation ceases due to stress or fright in young unmarried girls.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Bengal Gram
A bath prepared by putting an entire Bengal gram plant in hot water is beneficial in painful menstruation. The plant also may be used for a sitting steam bath.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Marigold
The herb Marigold, named after the Virgin Mary, is useful in allaying any pain during menstruation and facilitating menstrual flow. An infusion of the herb should be given in doses of one tablespoon twice daily for the treatment of these disorders.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Banana Flower
The use of banana flower is one of the most effective home remedies in the treatment of menorrhagia or excessive menstruation. One banana flower should be cooked and eaten with one cup of curd. This will increase the quantity of progesterone and reduce the bleeding.

Menstrual Problems treatment using Coriander Seeds
Coriander seeds are also beneficial in the treatment of excessive menstruation. Six grams of these seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water. This decoction should be taken off the fire when only half the water remains. Sugar candy should be added to it and the patient should drink it when it is still warm.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Mango Bark
The juice of the fresh mango bark is another valuable remedy for heavy bleeding during menstruation. The juice is given with the addition of white of an egg or some mucilage- a kind of vegetable glue obtained from a plant, and a small quantity of the kernel of a poppy. As an alternative, a mixture of 10 ml of a fluid extract of the bark, and 120 ml of water may be given in doses of one teaspoon every hour or two.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Ashoka
The bark of the Ashoka tree is an effective remedy for excessive blood loss during the monthly period which occurs due to uterine fibroids and other causes. It should be given in the form of decoction in treating this condition. About 90 gm of the bark should be boiled in 30 ml of milk and 360 ml of water till the total quantity is reduced to about 90 gm. This quantity should be given in one day, in two or three doses. The treatment should commence from the fourth day of the monthly period and should be continued till the bleeding is checked. A fresh decoction should be made for use each day.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Indian Barbery
The herb Indian barbery is also useful in case of excessive bleeding. It should be given in doses of thirteen to twenty-five grams daily.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Rough Chaff
The herb rough chaff is also valuable in excessive menstruation. An infusion of the herb should be prepared by steeping 15 gm of rough chaff in 250 ml of water and used for treating this condition.
Menstrual Problems treatment using Hermal
The herb hermal is useful in regulating the menstrual periods. It is especially beneficial in painful and difficult menstruation. Two tablespoons of the seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one - third. This decoction should be given in 15 to 30ml doses.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Menstrual Problems problems, symptoms & causes

The two major female sex hormones in the body are estrogen and progesterone. They are produced in a pair of organs in the abdomen, known as the ovaries. The ovaries start producing large quantities of estrogen when a girl reaches about 12 years of age. This enables her to grow rapidly and develop into a normal young woman. The commencement of menstruation at this time heralds the reproductive phase of her life, when she can have children. The main problems relating to menstrual flow are pre-menstrual tension, painful menstruation, stoppage of menstruation, and excessive menstruation. These disorders are not uncommon.

Menstrual Problems symptoms & causes

Premenstrual Tension and Menstrual Cramps
A few days before menstruation, some women become nervous and irritable. They suffer from depression, headaches, and fullness in the breasts, insomnia, and swelling in the lower extremities. This may be due to a hormonal imbalance. These problems cease within twenty-four hours of the start of the menstrual flow.
Painful menstruation, as it is called in medical parlance, is a common condition. The pain may be felt either two or three days before or immediately before or during the flow. This may also be due to a hormonal imbalance.
Amenorrhea or Stoppage of Menstrual Flow
This is natural during pregnancy and at the menopause, but abnormal at any other time. It denotes a debilitated and devitalized condition of the body. The main causes contributing towards this condition are anemia, worry, grief, fright, or other serious emotional disturbances; malformation of the womb; tuberculosis; displacement of the womb; and debility, especially after a serious illness.
Excessive Menstrual Flow
This is common in some women. A variety of causes may be responsible for this trouble, including fibroids.

Home Remedies for Pneumonia

Pneumonia treatment using Fenugreek (methi)
During the early acute stage of pneumonia, a tea made from fenugreek seeds will help the body to produce perspiration, dispel toxicity, and shorten the period of fever. Up to four cups of the tea can be taken daily. The quantity can be reduced as the condition improves. To improve the flavor of the tea, a few drops of lemon juice may be added. During this treatment, no other food or nourishment should be taken, as fasting and fenugreek will allow the body to correct these respiratory problems in a few days.
Pneumonia treatment using Garlic (adrak)
Garlic is a marvelous remedy for pneumonia, if given in sufficient quantities. It brings down the temperature, as well as the pulse and respiration within forty-eight hours. A paste of garlic can also be applied externally on the chest with beneficial results as it is an irritant and rubefacient
Pneumonia treatment using Sesame Seeds (til)
Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made by steeping 15 gm of seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion, mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a dessertspoon of honey, should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.
Pneumonia treatment using Parsnip Juice (Mooli)
The juice of parsnip, a root vegetable botanically known as Pastinaca sativa, has been found beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia. The juice of the leaves and root of this plant possess high therapeutic value. The phosphorus and chlorine elements contained therein are of particular benefit to the lungs and the bronchial system, thus making the juice an excellent home remedy for pneumonia. The patient should take 250 ml of juice daily. It is however, essential that only the juice of the cultivated parsnip plant should be used for this purpose. The wild variety must not be used in juices as it contains some poisonous ingredients.
Pneumonia treatment using Other vegetable Juices
The juice of carrots, in combination either with spinach juice, or beet and cucumber juices, has also been found useful in pneumonia. In these combinations, 200 ml of spinach juice or 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a liter of combined juice.
Pneumonia treatment using Turpentine Oil
The pain of pneumonia can be relieved by rubbing oil of turpentine over the rib cage and wrapping warmed cotton wool over it.
Pneumonia diet
Raw fruit and vegetable juices diet
At the beginning of the treatment the patient should be kept on a diet of raw juices for five to ten days, depending on the severity of the disease. He should take a glass of fruit or vegetable juice diluted with warm water, every two or three hours. After a diet of raw juices, when the fever subsides, the patient should spend three or four days on an exclusive fresh fruit diet, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits.
Well-balanced diet of natural foods
Thereafter, he may gradually adopt a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Pneumonia symptoms and causes

Pneumonia refers to the inflammation of the lungs. It is one of the most serious infectious diseases. The disease assumes alarming proportions if both the lungs are affected; this condition is called double pneumonia in common parlance.

Pneumonia symptoms
Cold in the head or throat, shivering fever
Most cases of pneumonia begin with a cold in the head or throat. The patient generally feels a chill, shivering fever, difficulty in breathing, and sharp pain in the chest. This may be followed by a cough with pinkish sputum, which may later become brownish. In young children, the disease may cause delirium and convulsions. The temperature may rise to 40.6 degree C and the pulse may go up to 150 beats per minute. A common complication of pneumonia is pleurisy.
Pneumonia causes
Germs and viruses
Pneumonia is caused by various types of germs such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, and pneumococcus. At times, certain viruses are also responsible for this disease.
Fungal infections and toxins in the body
Other causes are fungal infections, irritation by worms, inhaling foreign matter, irritant dust or noxious gases. The real cause of pneumonia, however, is a constitution weakened by the presence of toxins in the body, especially in the lungs and air passages. The accumulation of toxins is due to wrong feeding habits and a faulty lifestyle.

Home remedies/Treatment of corns

Corns treatment using Liquorices
Liquorices is one of the most valuable remedies for corns that are just appearing. A paste made by grinding three or four liquorices sticks and mixing it with half a teaspoon of sesame oil or mustard oil should be rubbed into the hardened skin at bedtime. The skin gradually softens and the corn decreases in size.
Corns treatment using Lemon
Lemon is another valuable remedy for corns. A fresh slice of lemon should be tied over the painful area at night and allowed to remain there the whole night.
Corns treatment using Papaya
Raw papaya is beneficial in the treatment of corns. Its juice is an irritant and it is, therefore, a useful application in this condition. Half a teaspoon of raw papaya juice may be applied thrice daily.
Corns treatment using Indian Squill
The herb Indian squill, botanically known as Urginea indica, is useful in removing corns. A bulb may be roasted and applied over the corn. It should he secured with a bandage. This application may be made at night and removed in the morning.
Corns treatment using Green Figs
The milky juice of green figs is valuable for corns of long duration. It helps to soften them. Half a teaspoon of this juice may be extracted from the fruit and applied two or three times daily.
Corns treatment using Chalk Powder
Chalk powder has also been found beneficial in the treatment of corns. A small piece of chalk may be ground into a paste with water and applied over the affected area.

· Soak your feet in a solution of Epsom salts and warm water.
· Soak your feet in much diluted chamomile tea. The tea will both soothe and soften hard skin.
· Place a plastic bag over the foot and then a sock. Leave in place until morning. Then rub off as much callus as you can with a coarse towel or firm brush. Do this regularly to control a difficult heel callus.
· Crush five or six aspirin tablets into a powder. Prepare a paste with a half-teaspoon each of water and lemon juice. Apply this to the hard-skin spots on your foot, then put your foot into a plastic bag and wrap a warm towel. Sit still for at least 10 minutes. Then unwrap your foot and scrub the area with a pumice stone. All that dead, hard, callused skin should come loose and flake away easily. This is also an effective home remedy for corn and calluses treatment.
· Gently massage the area with lanolin to soften the corn and make it less responsive to pressure. And then pad the area to relieve pressure.
· Place a little gauze or absorbent cotton over the area, then covers it with a thin piece of moleskin.
· Stretching your shoes to remove the pressure that caused the friction can have sometimes relief of a painful, hard corn.
· Soak a small piece of cloth in vinegar and bind it on the toe; leave it on day and night. The corn will come out by the root.
· Apply castor oil on the corn. This is an effective treatment for corn and calluses.
· Soak the feet in warm water for 15 minutes; apply a small piece of the inside of a lemon peel to the corn; tape it and leave it on overnight.
· Prepare a paste by grinding three or four liquorices sticks and mixing it with half a teaspoon of sesame oil or mustard oil. Rub into the hardened skin at bedtime. The skin gradually softens and the corn decreases in size.
· Apply half a teaspoon of raw papaya juice thrice daily.
· The herb Indian squill, botanically known as Urginea indica, is useful in removing corns. A bulb may be roasted and applied over the corn. Apply a bandage over it. This application may be made at night and removed in the morning.
· The milky juice of green figs is very effective for corns of long duration. It helps to soften them. Half a teaspoon of this juice may be extracted from the fruit and applied two or three times daily.
· A small piece of chalk may be ground into a paste with water and applied over the affected area.
· A light nutritious diet containing vitamins and minerals in the form of fruits and vegetables is recommended.
· Stop wearing the shoes that caused it. In most cases the corn will disappear when the pressure is removed. Do not wear shoes that cause blisters, redness or sore spots on your feet.
· The feet should be washed daily. This should be followed by the application of a mild talcum powder.
· Another home remedy for corn and calluses treatment is - apply a small piece of moleskin plaster or bandage to prevent any undue soreness and thickening of the skin.

Symptoms and Causes of corns

A corn refers to a localized thickening of the skin, especially on the toes, and extending into subcutaneous tissue. A corn is usually small and painful.

Symptoms of corns
Found over the joints of the toes
Corns are usually found over the joints of the toes and on the soles of the feet. They are shaped like a pyramid with the apex pointing inwards. They are tender when touched. Sometimes painful and infective warts that occur on the soles of the feet are mistaken for corns.

Causes of corns
Pressure on the toes and skin surfaces of the feet through incorrect footwear
Corns are usually formed as a result of pressure on the toes and skin surfaces of the feet through incorrect footwear.

Home Remedies for Cramps

Cramps can be defined as an unpleasant and painful sensation of the muscles.
They are normally caused by overexertion of the muscles, causing them to contract and shorten painfully.
Cramps can also be triggered by the cold weather. Other causes of cramps could be food poisoning or illness.
If you suffer from cramps all of a sudden, there are the home remedies that can give you relief readily available from your kitchen counter.

Home Remedies For Cramps

Home Remedies for Cramps with Hot beverage:
If you get the cramps, try to sit and relax for a while.
Then drink some hot water with ginger in it. You can also take a hot cup of tea or coffee if you find water with ginger not pleasant to your taste buds.

Treat Cramps with Pickle Juice:
Cramps can be very painful. To counter the pain, ask somebody to get you the pickle jar from the fridge. Drain its juice and drink it. You should drink at least a cup of pickle juice for the cramps to disappear fast.

Natural Treatments for Cramps with Hot compress:
If these juices and beverages are nowhere in sight for some reason, just get the heating pad and put it on the affected part.
You can also use a hot compress or any water bottle filled with very hot water. Place it exactly on the painful area and just leave it there until the pain subsides.

Natural Remedies for Cramps with Peppermint candies or lollipops:
You might look like a child asking for some treats with these home remedies for cramps. But they really work so give it a try. Find yourself some lollipops and peppermint from the candy jar. Finish it up and your cramps should go right after.

Remedies for Cramps with Massage:
No other remedy would be best for cramps other than a good massage.
However, you have to remember this rule of thumb when massaging muscles to relieve cramps: rub the muscles that are the exact opposite of the affected area. For example, if the cramped muscle is the lower thigh, massage the upper thigh muscle to achieve the desired results.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Home Remedies and Treatment for Menopause

  • Drink 8 glasses of steam-distilled water daily.
  • Take 800 mg. of evening primrose oil, three times a day.
  • Vitamin E is also found to be effective in fighting the low levels of estrogen. Take 300 IU. of vitamin E a day.
  • Take 2 teaspoons of cohosh root tincture, 1 teaspoon of don quai root tincture, 1 teaspoon of sarsaparilla tincture, 1 teaspoon of licorice root tincture, 1 teaspoon of chaste tree tincture, 1-teaspoon ginseng root tincture. Mix all the ingredients and take 3 dropperfuls a day.
  • Take 1 ounce of almond oil, 2 drops of geranium essential oil, one capsule of 1,000 IU of Vitamin E. Mix all the ingredients and apply inside and outside the vagina twice a day to prevent dryness. This is an effective home remedy for menopause disorder .
  • Perform daily physical exercise, which reduces estrogen production and stress, and also reduces stagnation. It promotes a healthy circulatory system and activates the liver.
  • Learn to relax and reduce stress. Relaxation opens up blood vessels and relaxes different organs.
    Perform cleansing and strengthening of the liver in order to eliminate estrogen more efficiently.
    Avoid or minimize estrogen-containing foods or herbs. Foods that weaken the liver or kidneys should also be avoided.
  • The combination of Chinese Bitters (taken before breakfast) and Fem-Mate (taken at bedtime) is very helpful for alleviating hot flashes.
  • Any woman experiencing disturbing symptoms during menopause should supplement her daily diet with 1,000 units of natural vitamin D, 500 mg of magnesium, and obtain 2 gm of calcium daily, which can be supplied by one litre of milk.
  • Beet juice has been found very useful in menopausal disorders. It should be taken in small quantities of 60 to 90 ml at a time, thrice a day.
  • A teaspoon of the carrot seeds should be boiled in a glass of cow's milk for about ten minutes and taken daily as medicine in the natural treatment of menopause.
  • One teaspoon of the liquorice powder should be taken daily. It helps to combat with the deficiency of the estrogen and is very effective home remedy for menopause.
  • The herb Indian spikenard is another valuable remedy for certain disturbances due to menopause. It should be given in small doses of 2 gm daily
  • Diet during the menopause should comprise of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits, with emphasis on vitamin E-rich foods, raw and sprouted seeds and nuts, unpasturised high-quality milk, and homemade cottage cheese. An abundance of raw, organically grown fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. Plenty of freshly made juices of fruits and vegetables in season should be added.
  • All processed, refined, and denatured foods should be avoided.
  • Avoid mental and emotional stresses and worries, especially worry about getting old; sufficient sleep and relaxation is essential.

Damewood, M.D., "Pathophysiology and Management of Endometriosis" , Journal of Family Practice 37 (1): 68-75, July (1993).
Cust, M.P, "A Risk-Benefit Assessment of Estrogen Therapy in Postmenopausal Women, Drug Safety 5 (5): 345-358, Sept.-Oct (1990).
Selkurt, E.E. (editor), Physiology, Little, Brown and Company, Boston (1966), p. 757.
Barbieri, R.L., "Etiology and Epidemiology of Endometriosis" , American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology 162 (2): 565-567, February (1990).

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

What is Menopause ?

What is Menopause ?
The female reproductive time of life begins at adolescence in the early teens and continues until the end of the menopause in the mid or late forties. Most women during their reproductive period have a regular monthly cycle, usually occurring every four weeks except during pregnancy.

In the middle or late forties, many women suddenly become aware of increased nervous tension, menstrual disturbances, hot flashes, chilly feelings, excitability, easy fatigue, depression, crying spells, sleeplessness, palpitation, dizziness, headaches, numbness and tingling and other annoying symptoms. A woman experiencing these symptoms feels miserable through no fault of her own. This entire problem arises due to the non-production of the estrogen hormone from the ovaries.

This natural phenomenon in life starts many years before menopause symptoms actually begin to show. Hormone levels can fluctuate for several years before eventually becoming so low that the endometrium becomes thin and does not bleed. Normally the ovaries start to slow the production of hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.

Low estrogen levels may also lead to changes in collagen production, affecting hair, nails, skin and tendons. The skin may become dryer, thinner; less elastic; more prone to bruising and skin itching may occur.

Anything that interferes with the normal functions of the ovaries may bring on these problems. If the ovaries have to be removed by surgery because of some disease, the same thing will occur soon after the operation. Menopause is not a disease. It is a natural process in a woman's life. It depends on a woman how she views this time of her life. This can have a lot to do with how frequent and severe her symptoms are. If menopause is viewed, as the end of youth and sexuality, this time will be much more difficult than if it is viewed as the next, natural phase of life. With a proper diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, most of the unpleasant side effects of menopause can be minimized, if not eliminated.

The average age of the natural menopause is 51 years, but can occur much earlier or later. Menopause occurring before the age of 45 is called early menopause and before the age of 40 is premature menopause. Per menopause is the stage from the beginning of menopausal symptoms to the post menopause.

Post menopause is the time following the last period, and is usually defined as more than 12 months with no periods in someone with intact ovaries, or immediately following surgery if the ovaries have been removed.