Natural Home remedies for the treatment of stammering

An involuntary interruption or inability to utter a letter or syllable is called stammering. Because of defective control of muscles of the speech organs there is an obstruction in pronunciation of certain sounds or one utters them with repetition. There is a difficulty in the necessary movement of the tongue and lips and there is also a sound in the voice organs which leads to stammering. This difficulty is usually limited to words beginning with sounds produced by letters like p, b, t, d, g, k.

Because of stammering one pronounces words like kabooter as tabooter. When these sounds occur in the middle of a word, there is no difficulty in pronouncing them. The person who stammers should be given regular practice in pronouncing them correctly and in controlling the breath. He should be taught to speak slowly and patiently.

Natural Home remedies for the treatment of stammering
Amla :
Chewing fresh amla is helpful in curing stammering of children. The tongue becomes thinner and the speech becomes clear. Mix a tsp. of amla powder with clarified butter and lick it daily. It will help overcome stammering.

Almonds: (1) Soak 12 almonds, peel them and grind them, mix with 31 gms. Of butter and eat it regularly for a few months. It will provide relief from the problem of stammering.

(2) Grind finely an almond along with 10 corns of black peeper and sugar candy to taste and lick it.

Cinnamon: Chewing and sucking cinnamon provides relief from stammering. You may consult the writer of the present book for the treatment of stammering.

Dried dates: Clear Voice-Boil dried dates in milk and take it before bed time. Do not rake water after it for two hours. It will clear the sharp and bad voice.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

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