Home Remedies for Fever, Cough, Wet cough and cold USING HERBAL PLANTS

Home Remedies for Fever, Cough, Wet cough and cold USING HERBAL

Here are a few time tested home remedies for fever, cough, wet cough and cold you can try for better health.


To keep fevers at bay, have 2 -3 tulsi leaves daily in the morning. Tulsi leaves should be swallowed and not chewed as they are strong enough to damage teeth.
In fever have 1 teaspoon of juice of tulsi leaves and bel flowers with honey twice a day.


Mix 1½ teaspoon of ginger juice with half teaspoon of honey and take 2 -3 times a day.

Take 1 teaspoon of Tulsi leaves juice 1 -2 times a day.

Mix black pepper powder with jaggery (gur) and make small balls. Keep in mouth and suck slowly.

Wet cough

Fry 2 teaspoon of leaf pulp of Aloe vera in half teaspoon of ghee. Eat with a little honey thrice a day for 3 days.


Take juice of 2 lemons in half a litre of hot water sweetened with honey.

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