Ringworm causes

Ringworm is one of the common skin diseases. The disease is caused by a fungus, a minute form of vegetable plant life that grows on the skin. The disease is more annoying than dangerous.

Ringworm causes

1. Lack of protective fatty acids in scalp

Ringworm infection occurs in the scalp, the body, the feet, and the nails. Ringworm of the scalp is common among children because of the lack of protective fatty acids in their scalp. The disease spreads on the skin and extends deeper into the hair roots, and also up along the hair. The affected hair becomes dull and breaks off near its root. This leaves bald spots on the scalp.

2.Infected person's contact and use of infected person's articles

Ringworm is passed from an infected person to a healthy person by contact. It can also spread by the use of articles such as the towel of an infected person.

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