Bladder infections are very common among women, but these simple measures can prevent at least some of them. If you experience burning or pain with urination along with a frequent, urgent need to urinate, increase your water intake, drink cranberry juice and get yourself to a doctor. Untreated bladder infections may go away on their own, but they may also move up into your kidneys, where the infection can cause some real damage.
Treatment Bladder infections are treated with antibiotics. Some women who get frequent bladder infections may need to take low dose antibiotics for an extended period of time. Sometimes, if bladder infections occur after intercourse, you can take one dose of an antibiotic after intercourse to prevent infection.
Self-care AND Prevention is the best treatment for bladder infections. The following tips will help prevent bladder infections, and, if you do get one, help you improve quickly.
• Drink lots of water. Keeping your bladder flushed is the best way to prevent bladder infections.
• Drink cranberry or blueberry juice. There are substances in these juices that kill bacteria in the urine, and they make your urine more acid, which suppresses bacterial growth.
• Urinate frequently. Don’t “hold it.”
• Urinate before and shortly after sexual intercourse.
• Use a lubricant such as K-Y jelly with intercourse.
• If you use a diaphragm and spermicide, consider changing your birth control method.
• Always clean your bottom from front to back to avoid carrying bacteria from the rectum or vagina to the urethra
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16 years ago
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